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South African Institute of Professional Accountants

Who We Are

SAIPA is the South African Institute of Professional Accountants and is the largest and most technologically advanced Professional Accountancy Organisation (PAO) for Professional Accountants in South Africa.

SAIPA boasts a membership of over 15 000 members and celebrates almost 40 years in the industry.

SAIPA represents qualified Professional Accountants (SA), Professional Accounting Technicians (SA),  Professional Tax Technicians (SA), Professional Tax Specialists (SA) and Professional Tax Practitioners (SA) in practice, commerce and industry, academia and the public sector.

For almost 40 years, SAIPA has been a pioneer in the South African economy, contributing to the advancement of the accountancy profession, influencing legislation and constantly transforming to keep abreast of business, financial and social developments in the country and internationally.

SAIPA is a member of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), the Pan African Federation of Accountants (PAFA), the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), and the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA).

SAIPA is a professional body registered with South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) and has a number of registered professional designations – learn more here.

The strategic priorities of SAIPA are expressed in terms of its vision, mission and strategic objectives.

Our Vision

A future-ready accountancy and business advisory profession for inclusive prosperity.

Our Mission

 To optimise the success of the Professional Accountant (SA) in the public interest.

Our Value Proposition

  • REPRESENTING accredited professionals in practice, commerce and industry, academia and the public sector and putting the interests of our members at the forefront of all our endeavours.
  • ENSURING that our qualifications remain relevant by complying with all accountancy and related standards.
  • ENABLING our members to remain relevant and successfully meet current and future challenges within the profession.
  • PROMOTING and INFLUENCING the advancement of the accountancy and business advisory professions.
  • DEVELOPING and DELIVERING continuous professional development (CPD) programmes of the highest quality, which are aligned to education and training qualifications.
  • IMPLEMENTING INITIATIVES that provide for the advancement of the accounting profession, which are based on business research as well as local and global economic and social developments

The SAIPA Technical Advisory service is free to use for all members, associates and affiliates.