The Do's and Don't of Marketing your Practice
The DO’s and DONT’s of marketing your practice
All advertising should be in compliance with the Code of Advertising Practice of the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).
- The advertising should be aimed at informing the public in an objective manner.
- The content and presentation, should not impair or adversely reflect on the dignity of the Institute or the profession;
- Registered members of the Institute should only advertise services normally associated with their membership of the Institute;
- Advertising must be decent, honest, truthful and in good taste;
- Use the correct designation and SAIPA logo;
- Advertising that creates false, deceptive or unjustified expectations of favourable results;
- Advertising that compares members with other professional persons;
- Advertising containing testimonials or endorsements;
- Advertisements that make unjustified claims about the expertise or specialised skills of a member in a particular field;
- Advertising that contains inaccuracies;
- Advertising with reference to statutory functions which the member is not allowed to perform;
- Advertisements that imply that a member has the ability to influence any court, tribunal, regulatory agency or similar body or official;
- Advertisement that bring the Institute or profession into disrepute;
- Advertisements that denigrate the work of other accountants;
- Aggressive soliciting by means of personal canvassing, distribution of flyers and brochures at government, municipal or administrative offices and touting for work at government departments;
- Follow ups that refer to any previous direct mailing unless requested by the recipient;
- Stating hourly rates or other costs.