Peter Wolnizer Appointed Chair of the IAESB
(New York/October 12, 2011) – The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) is pleased to announce that the Public Interest Oversight Board (PIOB) has confirmed Professor Peter Wolnizer as Chair of the International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB), an independent standard-setting board supported by IFAC. This appointment will be effective January 1, 2012 for the 2012-2014 term. The PIOB is an independent body that oversees IAESB activities.*
As chair, Professor Wolnizer will lead the IAESB as it develops the professional knowledge, skills, values, ethics, and attitudes of the accountancy profession by promoting the adoption and implementation of the International Education Standards (IESs). Additionally, he will guide the IAESB in its role as a catalyst in bringing together developed and developing nations, as well as nations in transition, and to assist in the advancement of accountancy education programs worldwide, particularly where this will assist economic development.
Professor Wolnizer is a professor of accounting at The University of Sydney where he served as Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business for twelve years, from 1999 to 2010. Professor Wolnizer previously served a three-year term on the IAESB from 2004 to 2006. In addition, he chaired the Education Committee of CPA Australia from 2000 to 2009, and currently serves as CPA Australia's International Higher Education Adviser.
It is an honor to be appointed as the chair of the IAESB,” said Professor Wolnizer. “I am pleased to have the opportunity take on this challenge, particularly as during my term we will be working through the IAESB’s aggressive timetable of continuing the revision and redrafting of the IESs.”
IFAC Chief Executive Officer Ian Ball added, “Professor Wolnizer is an excellent choice for the IAESB. Having previously served on the board, he has acquired keen insight into the operations and strategy of the IAESB. His experience as both a practitioner and an educator will undoubtedly prove invaluable.”
For more information about the work of the IAESB, visit its homepage at
*Note to Editors
The Public Interest Oversight Board (PIOB) was formally established in February 2005 to oversee IFAC's auditing and assurance, ethics, and education standard-setting activities as well as the IFAC Member Body Compliance Program. The objective of the PIOB is to increase confidence of investors and others that such activities, including the setting of standards by the IAESB, are properly responsive to the public interest. PIOB members are nominated by international institutions and regulatory bodies.
About the IAESB
The IAESB ( develops education standards, guidance, and information papers for use by IFAC member bodies under a shared standard-setting process involving the Public Interest Oversight Board, which oversees the activities of the IAESB, and the IAESB Consultative Advisory Group, which provides public interest input into the development of the standards and guidance. The structures and processes that support the operations of the IAESB are facilitated by IFAC.
About IFAC
IFAC ( is the global organization for the accountancy profession, dedicated to serving the public interest by strengthening the profession and contributing to the development of strong international economies. It is comprised of 164 members and associates in 125 countries and jurisdictions, representing approximately 2.5 million accountants in public practice, education, government service, industry, and commerce.